mercoledì 26 marzo 2008

Un artista al giorno toglie il medico di torno! #036

Le bambole di Matilde Beldroega sono semplicemente sensazionali... completamente fatte a mano, tutte "pezzi unici", moderne, originali e con un abbigliamento veramente unico... potete dare un'occhiata alla vastissima produzione di questa straordinaria artista portoghese nel suo spazio Flickr, tenervi aggiornati sulle ultime novità nel suo Blog, oppure acquistare una delle sue bellissime bambole nel suo Etsy shop Matilde Beldroega.
P.S.: ho appena scoperto che questa fantastica artista si chiama Rita... Matilda è il nome del suo amatissimo gatto che ha ispirato il suo nome d'arte!

An artist a day keeps the doctor away! #036
Matilde Beldroega's dolls are simply stunning... completely handmade, all "one of a kind", modern, original and dressed in a unique clothing... you can take a look at the immense production of this extraordinary portuguese artist at her Flickr page, you can be well-informed about new creations at her Blog, or to purchase one of her wonderful dolls at her Etsy shop Matilde Beldroega.
P.S.: I have just discovered that this extraordinary artist's name is Rita... Matilda is her beloved cat's name who inspired her art name!

7 commenti:

eneyna ha detto...

semplicemente bellissime!

Old World Primitives ha detto...

I found you via the Flickr WomanMade group - your blog is wonderful! I really like your "artist a day" idea. Keep up the great work.

Unknown ha detto...

oh i LOVE these... I wish I had a daughter :-)

Giftbearer ha detto...


I saw your message in the Bloggers group on IndiePublic. I have been doing this since last Fall and organized a group of artists doing this with a whole list. Our goal is to reach 90 participants (91 including myself) so that each artist gives and receives 90 blog features. I hope you'll all join. We still need 15 to meet our goal. Why not really put this concept to work for you multiplied!
Go here to read about it and to sign up;

Mitsy / ArtMind ha detto...

I love Mathilda's work. Totally unique, cute and lovable! :)

glasfaden ha detto...

Oh, I don't think, I knew her shop *shame on me* Must dig now - they look so cute!!

twolefthands ha detto...

these little dolls are so precious and colorful!